These docs are for v2.0. Click to read the latest docs for v5.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use the same database with tenants using a prefix?

Yes. Publish the multi-tenant configuration file as described in the configuration section and set the tenant-division-mode to prefix. Please understand this will break an existing application.

Why does the queue need root/sudo/elevated privileges?

The tenancy application can automatically reload the webserver to pick up new and changes in configuration files for newly added or modified tenant websites. Adding a new website will therefor ensure the website will be immediately available on the webserver and for the outside world.

Is this package for free, do you plan on asking money?

The multi-tenant package will remain free to use under the MIT license. If at any time in the future I plan to commercialize, it will not affect your application. For instance a freemium pricing model has crossed my mind.

Is this package a CMS?

No. This package helps developers to built their own application. Whether that application is a CMS is totally up to them.

How does this package scale?

This.. is an interesting question. As version 1.0.0 is actually the first stable release, I haven't had the privilege of finding out. It also depends on a lot of factors, amongst which:

  • the type of application
  • the number of visitors
  • the number of tenants
  • the configuration of the server, webserver and database

As such I dare not give any decisive answer. I gladly advise you privately if you want, my details are in the composer.json file.

Why not use/help/extend AuraEQ?

AuraEQ is different in comparison to this package in the sense that it uses the same database with specific columns per table to identify different tenants. Hyn aims to keep tenants seperated by giving a tenant website it's own database or table prefix, disk folder, routes, vendor packages etc.

Why not use/help/extends tenanti?

One primary goal of this package is to remain unobtrusive, meaning you should use the package the way you want, without the need to completely change how you code/work/play. Also I think auto selecting the tenant website based on the configured hostnames is easier for my users to work with.

Hooking apache config files to OSX apache webservice

Edit /etc/apache2/httpd.conf and at the bottom at a line Include /<laravel installation>/storage/webserver/apache/*.conf. Now reload or restart apache.