These docs are for v2.0. Click to read the latest docs for v5.


Installing multi tenancy

1. Using composer

The easiest way to install is using composer in the directory of an existing Laravel installation.

composer require hyn/multi-tenant

This will load some dependancies, including hyn/webserver. For a full list of all hyn dependancies and their use, please visit the package list page.

Now you need to make sure tenancy is Integrated into Laravel.

2. Using the automatic installer


The installer is not yet compatible with Hyn 2.x

In order to simplify the installation procedure and set up a machine with a webserver and all functionality, you can use the installer.


Please be warned

Only use the installer on clean (virtual) machines running ubuntu 14.04+ with at least 1 GB memory.

  • Log in as root, or any user that has sudo.
  • Run: bash -c "$(wget -O -". This process will take a while because all dependancies for the server are downloaded and installed.
  • Wait for the three questions for a tenant name, email address and first hostname.

Your installation is now located in /var/www/ and a clean multi tenancy Laravel installation is available including:

  • apache2
  • latest php 7.0 stable
  • beanstalkd for queue handling, supervisor is verifying the service is up
  • redis for cache and session
  • mariadb

You still have to decided whether you want to set up the following optional steps: